Size: 31kb
Ms. Barch: "You two will design a maze, and condition Kevin...I mean the mouse, using positive or negative reinforcement."
Size: 142kb
Ms. Barch: "Daria? Reinforcement?"
Daria: "Daria - Hmm... to make a child stop crying, a mother might say, "That's it! I'm sending you to El Paso to live with your real father." Whenever the child gets upset, the mother might wave an airline ticket in her face, or maybe even frame it on the wall by the clown picture. The ticket stops the girl from crying, or showing any emotion... ever."
Ms. Barch: "Ms. Barch - Right, that's..."
Daria: "Daria - Years later, seeing an airplane or just hearing one fly overhead can unleash a Pandora's Box of repressed anger, shattering the grown child's fragile psyche and triggering a psychotic and possibly deadly episode."
Ms. Barch: "You two will design a maze, and condition Kevin...I mean the mouse, using positive or negative reinforcement."
Size: 24kb
Brittany: "But babe, we've never been separated from a lab project before. What'll we do?"
Daria: "Pass?"
Size: 42kb
Ms Barch: "Brittany, Charles will be YOUR lab partner."
Brittany: "What! But Ms. Barch, I'm a cheerleader!"
Upchuck: "Give me an R-rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr."
Size: 34kb
Daria: "Look Kevin, the Pigskin Channel. Great big guys slamming into other great big guys. Fun."
Size: 30kb
Quinn: "Shouldn't you be working on your project? You know, teaching a mouse to fetch, or whatever?"
Daria: "Looks like there's plenty of fetching going on already."
Size: 20kb
Upchuck: "I take two cubes. Not one, not three. Two."
Size: 22kb
Jane: "Maybe you could get a wind-up toy to distract him."
Daria: "His wind-up toy is working with Upchuck."
Size: 9kb
Kevin: "Oh!! You suck!! You suck!! You suck!!!!"
Size: 31kb
Brittany: "Oooh! Can you believe Daria is trying to take Kevin away from me?"
Jodie: "I can't believe anyone would try to take Kevin away from you."
Size: kb
Quinn: "Kevin, do you think my skirt is too short?"
Kevin: (Glances at Quinn, then the TV, several times, then looks at the TV) "GO, GO GO!!"
Size: 7kb
Ms. Barch: "Don't interrupt, hateful scum!"
Size: 33kb
Ms. Barch: "Excellent job, Daria. You get an A."
Kevin: "All Right!"
Ms. Barch:"Not man. You get a D."
Kevin: "All Right!"